Sex Magic Herbs

Herbs are fantastic allies for magical workings. Plants hold living energy within them, whether they’re fresh or dried. The addition of herbs to your magical working amplifies your intention. Think of each intention as a strand on a “web” of magic: an intention of confidence will be empowered by an herb of confidence (like motherwort), a planet of confidence (like the sun), a crystal of confidence (like citrine), and so on.

How to Choose Sex Magic Herbs

The best way to work with an herb is to develop a relationship with it through personal experience with it. Tune in to which herb you feel intuitively drawn to, research the herb for safety information and magical uses, and develop a relationship with it: grow it if you can, meditate with it, and see what magical properties and messages it presents to you.

Examples of Sex Magic Herbs

There are obvious herbal allies for sex & love magic (like rose, for example). Below are a few lesser-known herbs for sex magic, including traditional meanings and my personal experiences with them.

Damiana increases arousal, psychic abilities, and the intensity of sexual magic. It can be taken internally as a tea, or macerated in an oil to make a sacred lubricant (after allergy testing).  As an arousing and empowering herb, Damiana is ideal for establishing and deepening your sexual relationship with yourself. As an herb corresponding to Pluto, Damiana can also be used to empower your Underworld journey, confronting your shadows, fears and insecurities, and navigating the shadow self in a loving and healing way.

Mandrake is an herb of sex and death, and is one of the most powerful and legendary herbs in folklore and magic. It can be fatal when taken internally, and is used to honor the crone archetype and deities that preside over the realm of the dead. Mandrake is also considered an aphrodisiac that increases sexual power and magic. As a visionary herb, it empowers psychic awareness and the ability to manifest intentions. Sometimes used for exorcisms, mandrake can aid in banishing negative energies (emotions, people, etc) from your sexual and emotional self. Corresponding with the Fool card and the World card, mandrake aids in honoring the cycles of beginnings and endings, life and death, risk and potential reward. Mandrake is ideal for use at the full moon, to reflect on accomplishments and embrace one’s full power. For safety, I would recommend only using mandrake in a sachet or on the altar, and drawing energetically from its presence during magical workings. 

Marshmallow also embodies the dichotomy of love and death as an aphrodisiac and a funereal herb. Ancient Greeks planted the flowers upon the graves of loved ones, and marshmallow is the flower of Althea, a Greek fertility goddess who hangs herself after learning of her brothers’ deaths.  Corresponding to Venus, marshmallow root can be burned, kept in a sachet, or used to dress a candle to increase the power of a sex magic ritual. As it is high in vegetable gum, marshmallow root has also been used as an ingredient in sacred lubricant. As with anything to be used internally, I’d recommend exercising caution and allergy-testing it on the wrist first.

Mint is an herb of dominance, power, success, and prosperity. I experience mint as an herb of exploration, curiosity, and tenacity as well. I grow mint in my garden, and it grows prolifically and spreads out fearlessly in many directions. I drink mint as a tea and offer sprigs of it to Hades, but the potential uses of mint are almost endless.

Whichever herbs you choose for your sex magic practice, make sure you’re working with them safely and intuitively. Figuring out what each herb means to you will make your magic with them even more nuanced, personalized, and powerful.

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