Tarot from the Heart

The premier tarot course to read with psychic prowess and classical training

Psychic services have been sought out since the dawn of humanity, especially in uncertain times.

Ancient lore of seers, psychics, and diviners exists across the world.

Tarot reading, when done ethically and effectively, provides the recipient with an invaluable sense of clarity, confidence, and peace.


Tarot reading helps you to…

  • build rapport as the trusted oracle amongst your friends, clients, and community

  • connect with your and your clients’ hopes, dreams, and skills to help them help themselves

  • give effortless, spot-on, psychic readings that you and your clients can depend on.

50% of the tarot reading takes place before you even flip over the cards.

My signature style of reading combines emotional intelligence, psychic connection, and practical application.

Tarot from the Heart Testimonial

“My time in Tarot from the Heart with Gwen was precious. She taught tarot with a keen touch and a brilliant, soul-led heart that really opened up my understanding of the modality.

I still go through my extensive notes from the course and incorporate that understanding into my readings, whether they be for myself or for a client. It was a truly special experience and one I was exceptionally grateful to participate in. I especially loved the tarot salons we held where we would talk shop and get into the meat of the magic behind our favorite divination method. Gwen is a kind and compassionate teacher with a true zeal for seeing her students soar. I know I certainly did.

It is because of Tarot from the Heart that I feel more confident in my intuitive reads, and this has only grown more effective with practice and time. I cannot recommend this course enough.

—J, Tarot form the Heart student

Think you can't be psychic?

You can. I’ll show you how to unlock your unique psychic senses to give readings that inspire and empower you and your clients.

Wondering why eroticism is part of a tarot course?

One of the most basic and fundamental human needs is connection, and eroticism is the synthesis of all aspects of connection with ourselves, others, and our world. Eroticism is the universal life force that motivates us to live fully and vibrantly. As psychotherapist Esther Perel says,

“Eroticism is not sex per se, but the qualities of vitality, curiosity, and spontaneity that make us feel alive…As Octavio Paz has implied, eroticism is the poetry of the body the way that poetry is the eroticism of language. Eroticism is cultivating pleasure for its own sake. It’s about bringing adventure back into play and creativity into our lives.”

Eroticism touches all aspects of our lives: our careers, love lives, life purpose, travel, mental health, money, and more. When someone gets a tarot reading, they are expressing their desire to live a better, more fulfilling, and more pleasurable life through the intimate insight of the cards, and thus, tarot reading is an aspect of the erotic. Tarot from the Heart is informed by erotic, emotional, and relational intelligence to bring even deeper meaning into every aspect of tarot, and thus, every aspect of our lives.

Through my experience as a sex educator, tarot reader, and sexuality & spirituality mentor, I guide my students in honoring the emotionally-intimate, life-affirming modality of reading tarot to help their clients live their most joyful, vibrant, and fully-expressed lives. Through my studies as a Clinical Psychology grad student, I have a working knowledge of mental health best practices to ensure that my clients’ autonomy and well being is always prioritized.

Scope of practice note: Gwen is not a licensed mental health professional, and while she has a working knowledge of mental health and professional ethics, her teachings do not constitute psychoeducation or a therapeutic relationship.

Unsure how emotional intelligence connects with tarot reading?

Tarot from the Heart is a tarot course, and it’s also a learning experience of emotional intelligence, self-intimacy, and self-leadership (as is the act of tarot reading itself). It is imperative to continue developing your own inner self, because as a tarot reader, it’s important to show up as your best self in order to best serve others, whether you read professionally or personally.

Even if you only read tarot for yourself, your investment in this course is an investment in your own self-development, fulfillment, and power—and thus, an investment in your ability to fully enjoy your life, and impact everyone you interact with in a more loving and healing way. And if you choose to read professionally for others, that impact extends to helping others in doing the same.

Tarot reading, like any helping profession, requires an awareness of and adherence to professional ethics, to make sure you are promoting your clients’ agency and well being.

Who better to learn from than

The Love Witch herself?

Gwen is a full-time professional tarot reader with nearly a decade of experience. She has built her career on her signature marriage of classical interpretations and psychic connection with the cards. Gwen teaches a blend of traditional wisdom and personalized psychic techniques, informed by her ethics of erotic intelligence and her experience as a sex educator and spiritual mentor, so that each reading is focused on honoring your strengths and meeting your goals. Gwen is currently a Clinical Psychology grad student, and promotes ethics of mental health and well being in all her services.

Scope of practice note: Gwen is not a licensed mental health professional, and while she has a working knowledge of mental health and professional ethics, her teachings do not constitute psychoeducation or a therapeutic relationship.

Whether you read personally or professionally, this is the tarot course for you if:

  • You don’t want to scroll Google and Biddy Tarot every time you flip over a card

  • You’re tired of feeling nervous, confused, and “out of flow” during readings

  • You want to give life-changing readings that actually make a difference in your clients’ lives

Tired of hearing (or giving) empty guidance and meaningless buzzwords during readings?

Yes, The Tower means a change. Yes, the High Priestess means intuition. Yes, the Nine of Swords means anxiety.

But if you’re like me, you want more than to just throw buzzwords out there and hope the client gets something from it. You want to give personalized, actionable, substantive readings so your clients can continue developing themselves, and keep trusting you to be the one to support them in their transformations.

My style of tarot is based on prosocial, problem-solving, and solutions-based readings. When my clients leave a reading with me, they are not victims of their fate—they are empowered, inspired, and equipped with the knowledge to make actionable, confident changes in their lives.

Tarot from the Heart Course Contents

  • Welcome to Tarot from the Heart

    How to Make the Most of this Course

    Love & Eroticism

    Psychic & Conscious Skills

  • Psychic & Intuitive Languages

    Psychic Tarot Reading

    Find Your Psychic Languages Guided Meditation

    Psychic Practices

    Oracle: Psychic Tarot Class

    Psychic Tarot Practice

  • Lesson on Classical Reading Techniques

    Tarot 101 Class

  • All Major Arcana Interpretations

  • All Minor Arcana Interpretations

  • Professional Reading

    How to Build a Tarot Business

  • Options to upgrade to three 60-minute 1:1 sessions with Gwen, to deepen and personalize your Tarot from the Heart journey

Tarot from the Heart is a tarot course infusing love and eroticism into tarot readings– why?

Because love is the foundation of our lives.

Because, as psychotherapist Esther Perel says, “the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.”

Because to read tarot is to access and influence the most emotional, intimate aspects of your and your client’s lives—to weave a spiritual, poetic narrative of eroticism, hope, and desire—and as poet Octavio Paz notes, “Eroticism is first and foremost a thirst for otherness. And the supernatural is the supreme otherness. This is perhaps the most noble aim of poetry, to attach ourselves to the world around us, to turn desire into love, to embrace, finally, what always evades us, what is beyond, but what is always there—the unspoken, the spirit, the soul.”

Tarot is a portal to otherness, as much as eroticism is a portal to the full experience of life, both Other and Self.

When we read tarot, we seek the wisdom of the Other, the insight, objectivity, and perspective that we cannot access within ourselves. 

By focusing on love, connection, and eroticism, we see tarot through a lens that colors our entire lives. This course covers the entirety of the tarot reading experience (psychic skills, comprehensive interpretations of every card, professional ethics, and more), and the theoretical framework of eroticism adds nuance to the experience of tarot as a compassionate, uplifting, uniquely human experience for both reader and recipient.

Because, as Saint Thomas Aquinas says, “To love is to will the good of the other.” And as tarot readers, isn’t it our mission and purpose to will the utmost good for our clients?

Tarot from the Heart includes:

  • Lessons

    Self-paced modules on classical tarot training (including general and situation-specific interpretations of all 78 cards for career, love, and more), psychic awakening and development, and building a successful tarot business. Lifetime access to all modules and call recordings.

  • Community

    Tarot Salon calls provide mentorship, Q&A, and a safer space to practice your tarot reading in a group setting. A private Discord community provides space to ask your questions at any time, and get daily support from Gwen and the group. Not available in Self-Study cohorts.

  • 1:1 Upgrade

    The optional 1:1 Upgrade provides three 60-minute sessions to receive 1:1 support from Gwen on tarot, psychic abilities, spiritual business, and more. The Upgrade is ideal for folks who want personal guidance on starting a tarot business, answering their specific questions about the cards, and digging even deeper into all aspects of tarot.

Tarot from the Heart Testimonial

“I discovered Gwen through her Love Witch Awakening series and absolutely loved her way of teaching and connecting.  Being part of that definitely was a real game changer for me in many ways.

Gwen is one of my favourite tarot readers and her readings have always been so insanely accurate and I have come back to my notes from her readings many times! It was a no brainer for me to join Tarot from the Heart.

It was a beautiful experience to be able to experience the first cohort, and the live tarot salons were such an intimate and safe space to bring our questions and experiences with the tarot. I frequently rewatch the modules and revise Gwen’s explanations of the cards. 

TFTH has deepened my understanding of tarot immensely and shown me ways to connect deeper and more intuitively through Gwen's guided psychic tarot practise. In my opinion, Gwen is the ultimate Love Witch. You definitely want to be a part of this course!”

— Kristen, Tarot from the Heart student

Join Tarot from the Heart today.

Tarot is story-telling and future-shaping. The narrative of a tarot reading depends on the relationships between the cards, the relationships between the cards and the client, and the client’s relationship with themselves and their life.

This ultimate relationship is eroticism: the vital life force that motivates us to connect with ourselves and the world around us. Eroticism includes sex, but it’s not equivalent to sex; it’s an umbrella term that encapsulates the entire human experience of vitality, emotionality, excitement, and ultimately, connection.

As tarot readers, if we can tap in to this vital life force of eroticism through our readings, we can provide readings that touch our clients’ hearts in ways that move them and motivate them to live their lives to the fullest.

And isn’t that what we all want, as service providers?

Tarot from the Heart is the holy trinity of tarot courses: psychic and intuitive development, classical training, and psychic service ethics. We don’t just cover what the cards mean, because let’s be honest, you can look that up on Google.

In Tarot from the Heart, we go leagues deeper, into nuanced, personalized, psychic readings to bring the traditional interpretations to life, and fortify those readings with the professional ethics necessary to support and uplift clients into their own goals, dreams, and fullest potential. 

This course is not just how to read tarot—it’s how to exist as a reader and as a legendary, life-changing leader in this world.

Tarot from the Heart includes comprehensive self-paced lessons on every card, developing psychic skills, and building a tarot business, as well as an optional 1:1 mentorship upgrade.

Doors are open May 12-19—enroll below: