Lana Del Rey, Kintsugi, and the art of loving

“That’s how the light gets in”

When I first heard Lana Del Rey’s song Kintsugi, it made me very emotional. Listening to her sing “that’s how the light gets in” reminded me of my high school best friends, the art kids who are still my closest friends to this day.

Like the eponymous art form fills gold in the cracks of broken pottery to make something new, there is an art to loving each other that is indescribably unique and beautiful. There are no rules or roadmaps–just genuine bids for connection that are, ideally, appreciated and reciprocated.

Research shows that the ultimate determinant of happiness is having close, fulfilling relationships. As someone who’s been listening to LDR’s music since Born to Die, it’s so refreshing to watch her transition from singing about dysfunctional relationships to her true, loving connections with her family and friends.

Whether it’s friendship, familial, or romantic, the bonds we share help us see the light even in the darkest times. It can be scary to open ourselves up to emotional intimacy, to make cracks in the walls that protect us, but as Lana says, that’s how the light gets in.

If you have any thoughts on this you’d like to share, feel free to comment on my Instagram post.


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